Saturday, January 1, 2011

iPhone Alarm Clock Glitch to Ring in the 2011 New Year

Despite being one of the few individuals who had to work New Year's Eve to 10pm this year as well as the morning shift the next day at 9am, I was still determined to ring in the New Year with friends and a couple of drinks.

My only saving grace was an iPhone that would wake me up after only a couple hours of sleep to get ready for my shift on the morning of January 1st. But to my dismay, my iPhone alarm clock did not activate!!! Luckily, I slept over at a friend's with my fiancee on an uncomfortable twin bed. I woke up almost hourly that night and my internal clock sensed something was wrong.

Furious at Apple, I googled, "iPhone alarm clock not working" and to my surprise there was already a post on PC Magazine outlining the issue. Apparently there is a glitch on iPhones running firmware 4.0 or later for the alarm clock where the alarm does not activate on January 1st or 2nd, 2011 unless a reoccurring alarm is set. How is this possible?

I work as a pharmacist and if I missed work, they would not be able to open the store at all let alone the pharmacy in our jurisdiction. There would have be a lot of explaining to do to my employer from all the lost revenue!

Damn you Apple!

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